
"There is a limit to our life, but to knowledge there is no limit." - Zhuangzi
吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。 - 庄子


  1. On Sequential Functions and Fine-Grained Cryptography
    Jiaxin Guan, and Hart Montgomery
    In CRYPTO , 2024
  2. Adaptively Secure Streaming Functional Encryption
    Pratish Datta, Jiaxin Guan, Alexis Korb, and Amit Sahai


  1. Multi-Instance Randomness Extraction and Security against Bounded-Storage Mass Surveillance
    Jiaxin Guan, Daniel Wichs, and Mark Zhandry
    In TCC , 2023
  2. Streaming Functional Encryption
    Jiaxin Guan, Alexis Korb, and Amit Sahai
    In CRYPTO , 2023
  3. Cryptography against Space-Bounded Adversaries
    Jiaxin Guan
    Ph.D. Dissertation
  4. A Lower Bound on the Length of Signatures Based on Group Actions and Generic Isogenies
    Dan Boneh, Jiaxin Guan, and Mark Zhandry
    In EUROCRYPT , 2023


  1. Incompressible Cryptography
    Jiaxin Guan, Daniel Wichs, and Mark Zhandry
    In EUROCRYPT , 2022


  1. Disappearing Cryptography in the Bounded Storage Model
    Jiaxin Guan, and Mark Zhandry
    In TCC , 2021
  2. Iterated Inhomogeneous Polynomials
    Jiaxin Guan, and Mark Zhandry
    In CFail , 2021


  1. Simple Schemes in the Bounded Storage Model
    Jiaxin Guan, and Mark Zhandry
    In EUROCRYPT , 2019


  1. Return of GGH15: Provable Security against Zeroizing Attacks
    James Bartusek, Jiaxin Guan, Fermi Ma, and Mark Zhandry
    In TCC , 2018